Thursday, January 05, 2006

Nullgroupware - Groupware for Small and Medium Business

I have just tried my hand on this Groupware called NullGroupware, which was mentioned in PCquest. I must say its got all that you need for a small scale office of around 25/30 people and who do not even have a Systems Administrator.

A web based login interface that provide :

Email ----- Can fetch mails from Mail Servers and Send Mails
File Sharing through web based.
A very nice search form that can scan all the above modules

Now lets see what you need to implement this :

A Linux Box
You do not need to think about web server as it has got its own.

Step 1 - Download NullGroupware

I had downloaded :


Step 2 - Untar it --- (you don not need to untar it under webserver).

I had untarred it under /home/sriram

cd /home/sriram/nullgroupware-1.2.7-x86-linux

Step 3 - Run the set up


It will first show u the Readme thing One point to note there is your Admin User/Password

By Default it is

User --- Administrator
Password --- visual

You will get things to fill like :

See what Information I gave below :

NullLogic Groupware Configuration
Will you be using SQLITE, MYSQL or PGSQL [SQLITE]: MYSQL
What is the host name of the MYSQL server? [localhost]: localhost
What TCP/IP port is the MYSQL server listening on? [3306]: 3306
What is the name of the database NullLogic Groupware should use? [nullgroupware]: nullgroupware
What username should NullLogic Groupware use to access the database? [nullgw]: nullgw
What is the password for the 'nullgw' account? [password]: password

Points to note after the end of the setup :

In order to complete the install, you will need to manually create the
SQL database nullgroupware as follows.
mysqladmin create nullgroupware

After creating the database, please run /usr/local/nullgroupware/bin/dbutil to
initialise the database.

To reconfigure the server, run 'cd /usr/local/nullgroupware/bin;./configure'.

To start the server, run 'cd /usr/local/nullgroupware/bin;./rc.groupware start'.

Step 4 - Now I created the database and user with the required Permissions

[root@mybox sriram]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 4.0.15

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> create database nullgroupware;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.10 sec)

mysql> grant all on nullgroupware.* to nullgw@localhost identified by "password";
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.58 sec)

Step 5 - Check the configuration file
(groupware.cfg )

cd /home/sriram/nullgroupware-1.2.7-x86-linux/etc

Edit groupware.cfg and make changes according to your hostname,
MySQL port etc...

Step 6 - Now Initialise Database

Just go to /home/sriram/nullgroupware-1.2.7-x86-linux/bin

./dbutil INIT

The above will Initialise the file

There are two more options you can use with ./dbutil

that is
DUMP Dumps the data from the current database to a file
RESTORE Restores the current database from a file

DUMP - will allow you to take back up of your configuration in a file.

Whereas RESTORE will allow you to restore the configuration from
your previous file, so that you have all settings intact and dont have to bother about the configuration again.

Step 7 --- Start the Null Groupware Service

#cd /home/sriram/nullgroupware-1.2.7-x86-linux/bin

#./rc.groupware start

Step 8 --- Open your Browser and Start using its features

By default it runs on 4110 you can change it if you want, just edit
groupware.cfg in /home/sriram/nullgroupware-1.2.7-x86-linux/etc


Thats all ...................................................

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