Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Podcatching - Gnu Linux

One of my favourite pass time these days is to listen to podcasts.

I have come across a Podcatching Software that I will share with you.

"Podcatching" - This is good way of downloading podcast that you
often listen to, I tried BashPodder GUI ... It hardly took a
minutes time to configure it and start running.

bpgui.tar.gz is a 12 kb file that you download from here

Once you have downloaded , to get started you need Xdialog installed.

If you dont have one you can get it from here

If you are using Mandrake like me then you can fetch it from urpmi

#urpmi Xdialog

Once Installed ,

untar the bpgui.tar.gz in your preferrd directory.

I have untarred it in /ram/Softwares/Linux_Podcatching/bpgui

Make sure you change the permissions to execute and user who runs that.

[root@mybox bpgui]# ls
bp.conf bpgui.sh* BPGUI.xpm* podcast.log temp.log

Note :
bp.conf contains podcast feed list (from where u are fetching).

To start

This will list the BashPodder GUI Menu

Which has the following options

Scan for New Podcasts(that you have added)
Play Podcasts
Add a Podcasts
Modify Podcasts
Remove a Podcasts

Now all your downloaded popdcast will be located in your home Directory

/HomeDir/Podcasts------- Folder

If you are looking for some Linux oriented podcasts then click here

Thats it !!! Enjoy Listening to your Favourite podcasts.

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